You down with IPP? Here’s why you should be…

February 20, 2019 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
Maybe I’m dating myself here, but I always found that 1991 Naughty by Nature tune “O.P.P.” pretty catchy. “You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)…” The rest of the lyrics aren’t appropriate to reprint here, but when I first learned about IPPs early in my...
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Financially Derailed by Divorce

February 13, 2019 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
I know, I know. Why would I write about divorce the day before Valentine’s Day? That’s just mean. Well, to be honest, I wrote last week about trying to find detours around the roadblocks we encounter on the road to financial freedom. Divorce is definitely...
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Do you have enough?

February 07, 2019 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
I’m re-booting the concept of ‘having enough’ today, for a few reasons… …It’s January, and you’re probably thinking about finding ‘enough’ to pay off the holidays AND make contributions that will benefit your 2018 tax situation. …I’ve been reading some...
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Big Financial Detours: when you need a new map

February 06, 2019 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
When I ask them about it, my clients and prospective clients offer lots of different ideas around why and how they would enjoy being ‘wealthy’. Of course, ‘wealthy’ means different things to different people, but I do see a common thread around security...
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