Hi, hello. Colleen O'Connell-Campbell here. Wealth advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, host of I'm a Millionaire! So, now What? the podcast. Founder of Double to Sell, Canada's premiere invitation only workshop for business owners looking for a cash-rich exit in the next three, five to 10 years.
If that's you, stay tuned I've got for you a series of questions. Five questions that every business owner needs to know the answer to if they are going to be ready for their cash-rich exit. What are the questions you need to answer today to set yourself up for a cash-rich exit tomorrow.
First and foremost, how do you own your business? So I'm going to suggest that most of you probably own your business or your business is probably set up in a corporation. Maybe not. Maybe you're in a more of a startup mode, more maybe a professional service where you're still in a sole proprietorship situation, or maybe you are a professional who can incorporate, but you haven't found that inflection point yet, but you are thinking about it.
It is important to know how your business is actually set up and how you outgrown a sole proprietorship or even have you outgrown the corporate structure that you have set up. What is that corporate structure? It is crucial to understand that. It is fundamental to having a cash-rich exit.
OK, so that's question one. How do you own the business? How is the business set up? That's also important because when you go to sell, if it is selling that is going to be the right course of action, you're going to need to know are you selling an asset, are you selling the shares of the business? All of those things will have a future impact.
So how do you own your business? It's a crucial question to ask yourself now in order to have a cash-rich exit later-- three, five, 10 year-- whatever the time frame may be.
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