5 Questions for the Self-Made Nation

August 25, 2021 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
As a business owner, you likely have a substantial portion of your personal net worth tied up in your business. So, when do you start thinking about a cash-rich exit? I’m back for another solo episode on I’m a Millionaire! So Now What?”, to discuss five...
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Meet the woman revolutionizing women's health and pleasure: Dr. Jordin Wiggins, ND

August 18, 2021 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
I'm so excited about my guest and friend on “I’m a Millionaire! So Now What?”, Dr. Jordin Wiggins, ND, otherwise known as Dr. J. Jordin is a naturopathic doctor, an entrepreneur, and women's sexual health disrupter. She is revolutionizing the way we deliver...
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August 12, 2021 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
How long is your to do list? Mine has tended to be never ending… just as I have the satisfaction of ✔️‘ing off one item or action … one.. two… or five more crop up. That changed a few years ago when I was introduced to the idea of ONE INSPIRED ACTION...
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The inside scoop: How two young entrepreneurs took a leap into the self -made nation

August 11, 2021 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
Welcome back to “I’m a Millionaire! So Now What?” where I have two of the Self-Made Nation’s next generation. These two special guests, Jacqueline and Nicolas Marquis, joined me to share their unique story of buying an ice cream shop while still in high...
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A family farm that puts the fun back into entrepreneurship

August 04, 2021 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
It’s been amazing to see businesses adapt to the challenges brought by the pandemic. Some were already innovating, but no-one would argue that it spurred a different way of thinking. For many of the entrepreneurs I’ve interviewed on the show, it changed...
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