Do you have enough?

February 07, 2019 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


I’m re-booting the concept of ‘having enough’ today, for a few reasons…

…It’s January, and you’re probably thinking about finding ‘enough’ to pay off the holidays AND make contributions that will benefit your 2018 tax situation.

…I’ve been reading some research around ‘What is enough?’. A recent report claims that Canadians believe they need anywhere from $750,000 to $1,000,000 to retire in comfort. (We can talk about what ‘retirement’ means another day. That’s another can of worms!)

… and all month I’ve been promoting my promise to Double the Number of Canadian Millionaires by 2030. And so of course I’m wondering, do I have enough?

I asked that exact question of Kelsey Ramsden, award winning and serial entrepreneur, recognized by Profit Women 100, and a mentor with the Richard Branson Centre for Entrepreneurs. We talked about it in an early September episode of my podcast I'm a Millionaire! So Now What? (listen & subscribe here). Kelly had a fascinating answer:

“I have a friend … to her a retirement amount is $500,000. When she hits that she’s totally out, 100% hands in the air, handing in her resignation. That’s the day.”

“I have another friend whose number is half of that because her intention is to move to a different country where cost of living is less. She has different plans for the second part of her life that don’t involve the same kind of consuming of goods and services that she’s accustomed to in our North Western culture. I have other friends whose number is $20 Million. I think for me that question has always come back to how many freedom units do I require to live a life that’s functional, frictionless and gives back in the same way that it gave to me.”

(Kelly has redefined dollars as ‘freedom units’ to stay focused on the true value of wealth.)

And when I asked her if she felt she was wealthy….

“Yes, for sure. First and foremost, I’m healthy. My family is healthy, mentally & physically. Secondly, we have tremendous opportunity, so if we wanted to accomplish something, we have all the means that we need in order to do that: a great education system, access to capital, access to people. We live in a peaceful country. So many amazing things lie at our feet should we choose to pick them up and do something with them. You know, back to the freedom units piece, I don’t have to worry about paying my mortgage which is amazing. And I have a great network of humans that I call my friends and colleagues and to me that’s the ultimate wealth.”

A couple of years ago I conducted a series of interviews with a select group of clients. I asked, “What does the word wealth mean to you? What does it mean to be wealthy?”

The answers that came back were as different as the people themselves…

  • The ability to always have choice
  • Security
  • Having the means to not worry about money
  • Being able to do what I want to do without worrying about how the bills will be paid
  • Beyond the money, being able to contribute & make a difference
  • Giving to others without worrying about negatively impacting my own life
  • Having sufficient money to live life, meet all needs, and enjoy more of the wants
  • Being able to do the things that are important without questioning the finances
  • Having more than enough – in all aspects of life

I tackled this idea of ‘enough’ in this space last year too, in March, and recommended 3 things you could do to shift your focus away from what you lack and start enjoying an Abundant Mindset. (You can read it here: Abundance-Do-I-have-enough)

This year I’m feeling more… practical. I’m not saying that my mindset has changed; I stand behind what I shared last year. But I’m also focused on being intentional and taking ACTION. Just like setting SMART goals, I would argue that adopting an Abundant Mindset requires a degree of specificity. Sometimes that means a precise number. My Abundant Mindset means I believe I can Double the Number of Canadian Millionaires by 2030.

Regardless of how you define it: in dollars, cents or freedom units, I created the Real Riches Roadmap as a navigation tool, a compass to give you a structure, because nothing attracts abundance like order.

So, as we wrap up the first month of 2019, I invite you take advantage of the few 1-hour spots still available to review your own Real Riches Roadmap. If you’re that one in ten, ready to flex your abundance muscle to achieve your Enough (and double your net worth!) email me here and I’ll send you the qualifying questionnaires.