Executors and POA: when to go ‘pro’

June 26, 2019 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
Carrying out the roles of Executor and Power of Attorney are big jobs, with many layers of responsibility, accountability and personal liability, and can be a tremendous burden for those who are dealing, at the same time, with emotions of grief and loss...
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The ONE mistake executors keep making!

June 19, 2019 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
Here’s a refresher: an executor is an individual (typically it’s an individual, but it can be an institution like a trust company) named in a document called a Will, who, in being named, becomes responsible for administering the estate according to the...
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Are you prepared to be POA?

June 12, 2019 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
POA. Power of Attorney. Except that often the P stands for PANIC and the A stands for AVOID. I am – as are many of my friends - at a stage of adulting when my role as Power of Attorney is feeling more real and more onerous than on that day I said “yes”...
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Did you lock your door this morning?

June 05, 2019 |Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell
I expect you answered ‘yes’. We’re pretty good at the easy stuff – remembering to lock the front door when we leave the house, locking the car when we get out, checking the doors & windows before we go on vacation. But all my May interviews about cyber...
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