January 31, 2014 |Dian Chaaban
Some of you know that in my spare time (ha) I’ve founded an exclusive and strategically crafted networking group of women entrepreneurs and professionals, appropriately labeled the Women of Ambition (WOA). Through collaborative initiatives (click here...
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Don't SHOULD all over yourself

January 24, 2014 |Dian Chaaban
Earlier this week, I participated in an evening workshop unlike any other. Hosted by the positively brilliant Julie Zuzek (aka The Corporate Yogi), I spent the evening visioneering with like-minded professionals on the topic of setting realistic and inspiring...
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I'm busy

January 17, 2014 |Dian Chaaban
How many times do you hear that a day? This is how most of my conversations begin: Me – “Hey! How are you?” You – “Good, I’ve been sooooooo busy!” Hey, I’m busy too – super duper busy - but as of late, I’ve chosen to acknowledge being busy in a different...
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January 03, 2014 |Dian Chaaban
Earlier this week, I overhead two young women contemplate taking the stairs to make up for all of the sugar they had indulged in over the holidays: “Let’s take the stairs, I ate way too much this holiday” “Ohh emm gee, you didn’t eat as much as I did!...
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