Oil and Water

November 28, 2014 |Dian Chaaban
When I was in grade 3, we went on a field trip to the Science Centre and I distinctly remember being mesmerized by this glass oval contraption which was filled with a mixture of oil and pink-dyed water that you could spin around to illustrate the foundation...
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Brand vs Quality

November 21, 2014 |Dian Chaaban
“…but they’ve been around for so long and at one point, everyone had an IBM computer – plus the stock has made me some good money over the years, so it must be a keeper…right?” Is how my new client responded when I told him that we should sell IBM from...
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November 14, 2014 |Dian Chaaban
I met a potential client this morning for breakfast and she gave me some dreadful news – apparently, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, predictions for Canada’s upcoming winter season is defined as the “T-Rex of winters” – meaning that it’s going...
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Finding marital - and financial - bliss

November 07, 2014 |Dian Chaaban
The university gang is getting back together again this weekend for our buddy Pete’s wedding. As a tribute to Peter and his soon-to-be wife, Zainab, I thought I would write about some tips to help ensure their financial bliss together as a couple. Money...
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