Killer Speeches

September 25, 2015 |Dian Chaaban
Yesterday evening, I sat alongside Paul Zikopoulos from IBM; Duncan Stewart from Deloitte; and Vanessa Cohen from Evironics as a proud panelist for a special North of 41 event entitled, ‘How to Deliver a Killer Presentation’. Together we shared our top...
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Stocks, Suits, Scotch

September 18, 2015 |Dian Chaaban
Last night I hosted the third annual Stocks, Suits, Scotch event at the Cambridge Club. This special annual event is always a hit and features my top analyst, Matt Barasch, who shares his brilliant thoughts on the world markets and which direction we...
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September 04, 2015 |Dian Chaaban
Noun: an expression of opinions or offering of explanations about an event or situation. There has been no shortage of commentary these past few weeks regarding the various economical themes affective global markets this year. This month, my brilliant...
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