2024: Third Quarter

I hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones healthy and happy. It’s amazing how quickly the summer flew... Read More

2024: Second Quarter

Let me start by wishing everyone a HAPPY CANADA DAY. Hope you had some quality time with the ones you love... read more

2024: First Quarter 

Can you believe it is already springtime? The season of renewal and growth is upon us, with the warmth of summer eagerly waiting on the horizon... read more

2023: Fourth Quarter

I wish you and your loved ones a magnificent New Year filled with happiness, love... Read More

2023: Third Quarter


2023: Second Quarter



2023: First Quarter

Can you believe it is already spring of 2023? Time seems to be flying by faster than ever. However, there is good news... Read More

2022: Fourth Quarter

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you and your family... Read More

2022: Third Quarter

Another summer has come and gone... read more


2022: Second Quarter

Let me start by wishing everyone a Happy Canada Day... Read More




2022: First Quarter

I can’t believe it is Spring 2022 already... Read More




2022: Fourth Quarter

Happy New Year. I hope this newsletter finds you safe and well. It is hard to believe that this was the second holiday... Read More



2021: Third Quarter

I hope this message finds you and your family well, healthy and safe. Even though this may have been another year where we celebrated Thanksgiving under the cloud...Read More


2021: Second Quarter

Is the summer of freedom upon us? Will this season be remembered for our getting back to a somewhat more normal place? Let us all hope so. It’s been more than a year since the world was taken... Read More 


2020: Fourth Quarter

Happy New Year! I can’t believe another year has gone by and we are now in 2021. I don’t think any of us would be faulted for thinking and feeling "good riddance to 2020," as it was dominated by COVID-19...Read More

2020: Third Quarter

I hope this finds you and your family well and safe, and you and your loved ones enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend. Even though this may have been an unusual Thanksgiving, we have many things...Read More


2020: Second Quarter

I hope this summer newsletter finds you well, safe and healthy. I am sure you will agree that this is an unusual summer, and these past 4–5 months have been the most unusual of any period many of us have lived through...Read More


2020: First Quarter

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family healthy, well and safe. I want to begin by giving a big shoutout and THANK YOU to our essential workers like nurses ...Read More



2019: Third Quarter

Greetings. I hope all of you had a great summer and spent some quality time with friends and family. Feels like time is passing us by faster and faster each month. Here we are in the fall, which means summer of 2019... Read More


2019: Second Quarter

Wow, it is great to see that summer is finally here. It took a while for it to get here, but it is here (I think). I hope we don’t experience what Europe is going through at present – a heat wave with some tragic consequences...Read More


2019: First Quarter

Happy spring everyone. It finally feels like spring now. The Masters just finished with Tiger winning his fifth green jacket – unthinkable only 12 months ago. That must mean spring is here...Read More



2018: Fourth Quarter

Happy New Year. I can’t believe another year has gone   by and we are in 2019. If this is a sign that I am getting   older, I refuse to subscribe to that theory. I am sure the   days, years (and maybe me) are getting shorter and shorter... Read More




2018: Third Quarter

It is hard to believe that summer is over and kids are   back to school. Darn. Time does go by too fast   especially when one is having fun. This was a great   summer. A hot summer, but a still... Read More



2018: Second Quarter 

Another quarter (winter) has gone by and spring is in   the air. It’s a great time of the year as we look forward   to warmer weather and sunshine. I can feel the   sunshine. Awesome... Read More



2018: First Quarter 

I would like to begin by wishing you a very Happy New   Year. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a very   memorable New Year’s Eve celebration with friends   and family. I would also like to thank all of you who   joined us for our annual Christmas... Read More

2017: Third Quarter 

It is unbelievable how fast the last three months have   gone by. I guess it is true when they say that time goes   by faster as we get older. Darn. It’s already July and it is   just starting to feel like summer. So far, the summer   has been very wet here in central Canada... Read More



2017: First Quarter 

I would like to begin by wishing you a very happy New   Year. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a very   memorable New Year’s Eve celebration with friends and   family. I would also like to thank all of you who joined   us for our annual Christmas brunch... Read More

2016: Fourth Quarter

As I write this, our beloved Jays are in the hunt again   (second year in a row) though they are behind three   games to one to Cleveland. But, as they showed   against Texas last year, they can come back and take   us all the way this year... Read More



2016: Third Quarter

As much as I refuse to listen to Father Time, I must be   getting older as time is going by faster each year. I   can’t believe it is already July as I write this and Aqil   (the future tennis star-wannabe) turned… Read More



2016: Second Quarter

Generally, I take up this space writing about what I   have been up to this last three months. However, this   time I am going to pay tribute to and tell you a little bit   about someone very dear to all of us... Read More



2015: Fourth Quarter

It is the end of the third quarter and I generally use   this space to talk about what the team did or my   escapades with the kids. However, this time, I would   like to talk about our beloved Jeamie who passed away   on Tuesday, September 29... Read More


2015: Third Quarter

It’s already the end of the first half and as much as I   am glad it’s summer, I am shocked by how quickly the   first half has gone by. Time is just going by too fast. I   write this on Canada Day and once again, I am so   grateful to this wonderful... Read More


2015: Second Quarter

It is springtime (or so says the calendar) but it does not   feel like spring… I hope Mother Nature has not   forgotten to push the summer button. I am sure we all   deserve it. Right? This past quarter... Read More



2015: First Quarter

As we start 2015, I would like to wish you a very happy   new year. I hope you enjoyed a great Christmas and   New Year’s Eve, spending time with family and   friends.The ever-expanding Visram clan (over 20 now)   held... Read More



2014: Fourth Quarter

As is Visram family tradition, we all gathered at my   sister’s place for the big bird and all the trimmings.   The group is getting bigger and bigger as nephews and   nieces are getting married and having kids of their   own. I can’t believe... Read More


2014: Third Quarter

The summer of 2014 is finally here and with it ... World   Cup soccer. Having grown up with soccer (in Africa),   like half of the planet, I always look forward to this   spectacle every four years. By the time you read this   newsletter... Read More


2014: Second Quarter

Spring is finally here, I think, even though it may not   feel like that outside. The sun is bright and the days   are getting longer, so the real spring must be close.   (That was the “tweet” from Mother Nature this   morning)... Read More



2014: First Quarter

I would like to begin by wishing all of you a very happy   new year. I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas and a   great start to 2014. The GTA experienced a traditional   white Christmas and New Year’s Eve, which is   exactly... Read More


2010: December Month-In-Review

I would like to begin by wishing all of you a very happy   new year. I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas and a   great start to 2014. The GTA experienced a traditional   white Christmas and New Year’s Eve, which is   exactly... Read More



2010: October Month-In-Review

The S&P/TSX Composite rose 2.5% in October to finish at 12,676.24. Earnings announcements in both Canada and the U.S. provided support as markets continued their September advances. The S&P 500 and Dow... Read More



2010: Fall In-Review

Here we are again – the end of summer and into fall. I must confess, spring and fall are probably my favorite seasons, followed by (yes) winter and lastly summer. Aqil and Kiyaan are back in school now and they weren’t... Read More


2010: Summer In-Review

As we enjoy (or suffer through) the scorching heat of the summer, the equity markets are beginning their cooling phase of the year. This time may be stressful to us, but for Aqil and Kiyaan, it is party time. School is over and... Read More



2010: August Month-In-Review

The S&P/TSX Composite advanced 1.7% in August to finish at 11,913.86, supported by M&A activity but balanced by concerns over slowing economic growth. In the US, the economy continued to show weakness, increasing fears of a second half slowdown... Read More



2010: June Month-In-Review

North American markets moved lower in June, with the S&P/TSX Composite declining by 4.0% to finish the month at 11,294.42. Eurozone concerns, coupled with a disappointing U.S. Consumer Confidence report (52.9 vs. consensus of 62.5)... Read More


2010: April Month-In-Review

North American equity indices climbed higher in April, advancing between 1.4% and 2.6% month-on-month. Both the S&P/TSX Index and the S&P 500 hit 52-week closing highs (12,281.0 and 1,217.3 respectively) during the last week... Read More



2010: January Month-In-Review

The S&P/TSX, S&P 500 Index and Dow Jones Industrial Markets began the first month of the new decade on uncertain footing. The indexes all lost between 3.5% and 5.5% on the month, amidst fears of slower economic growth in... Read More



2009: Year-In-Review

As we begin 2010, I want to wish you and your family all the best. I hope that you were able to enjoy some quality time with your family over the holidays. Hopefully didn’t eat too much turkey and already break your New Year’s Resolutions.... Read More


2009: November Month-In-Review

The S&P 500 Index, Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P/TSX Index all reached 13-month highs as positive corporate earnings and economic data, a weak U.S. dollar and expectations that U.S. interest rates will remain at a record... Read More



2009: May Month-In-Review

Equity markets climbed higher throughout the month of July primarily due to a strong earnings season. During the week of July 13th, equity markets posted the biggest weekly gain since the lows of March as the S&P/TSX gained 6.4% and the S&P... Read More



2009: February Month-In-Review

Fears of U.S. bank nationalization and a slew of negative economic news from around the world defined the month of February and drove a steep market decline that broke through lows set on November 20th of last year. Some... Read More


2009: January Month-In-Review

Equity market strength in December quickly lost steam after indices peaked on January 6th. The Dow Jones delivered its worst January return in history. Economic uncertainty weighed on stocks as gloomy headlines highlighted job... Read More

Karim Visram, CFA, CGA, FMA

Portfolio Manager


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