Insights from the office of the CEO with John Stackhouse

If you missed the event, you can still participate and watch the replay. Password: Stackhouse 2021 Watch Here

Have you made these two estate planning mistakes?

The Wealthy Barber on what you may have overlooked in your estate plan...Watch Here


Estate planning to avoid a family feud

The Wealthy Barber's strategy for family heirlooms and personal belongings...Watch Here


Why your digital assets should be part of your estate plan

Why your digital assets should be part of your estate plan...Watch here

In conversation with David Chilton

We hope you enjoyed the event, and found it informative and insightful. For those who didn’t have the opportunity to join the event..Watch Here

Podcast: Planning for an estate freeze or re-freeze

“If you’re the owner of an incorporated business, an estate freeze is a planning...Listen Here



An Economic and Market Update with Jim Allworth

Special insights behind today’s economic and market circumstances. Discussing the investment options and opportunities available now...Listen here



Global Insight

Summary of the May edition of Global Insight

... Listen Here



Audio commentary: The transition from lockdown to reopening – An update with Jim Allworth

Mark Bayko and Jim Allworth discuss the most recent developments and outlook going forward...Listen here


Audio commentary: The outlook for oil in a period of demand destruction

A conversation with RBC Capital Markets global energy strategist Michael Tran...  Listen here



Karim Visram, CFA, CGA, FMA

Portfolio Manager


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