The team has access to a breadth of knowledge. They seem to-- whenever there's any sudden change in the market or in the news, they seem to have-- they're proactive in a lot of cases. So they'll either call or send us an email, backed up by the research team that RBC has.
And they're very responsive.
If you send a question, then we know we're going to get an answer. It's not like we have to get at them to get the answer, which is in itself comforting. We know they're on top of it. They're looking at our investments in there.
They're just very responsive to us whenever we have a question or if we're concerned about anything. You can call Kevin and he calls you back right away with an answer or helping us find the answers. And it makes us feel confident in his work.
By the time we got into this relationship with Kevin, it became apparent that we wanted to have somebody that could take charge, and somebody that we had confidence in. And we found that, we think, in this relationship with the team.
This team works very much at-- where he sees investments should be made. It's not just for the big investor or the little investor. He moves or tries to move his whole group that he is responsible for. If this is going to benefit a large investor, it's going to benefit a small investor. So I kind of-- I'm playing with the big guys, I'm not necessarily a big guy. And I like that.
First of all, we meet twice a year with the group, just to review where we have been and where we're going. One of the things they do is they inform us with what's going on. So we're getting the information as to the market and what's happening. So that in and of itself is comforting to know.
So in terms of providing us with the information that we need on hand, we've never been disappointed with any of that. That's been out front all the time, when there's some change he's going to be making or we just stay the course. So that level of service that they're providing, in terms of keeping us in the know, has been excellent.
And we've also experienced market changes. So we see changes in the market, up and down, consistently. And the team is always there in order to be able to reassure us that there is a little bit of a blip in the market. But we've always been very, very happy with the way that everything has been managed and--
And if I have some concerns, I've picked up the phone and called them and had one-on-one conversations with them. And if there's been any concerns where I need to have a sit down, they're more than happy to accommodate.
So they're readily available all the time.
Overall, being retired, it's a stressful transition. But it's nice to know that the investments are being handled, they're managed, they're on track. Right? Haven't had to make any dramatic changes in the investment or in our lifestyle as well. So we're very, very happy that way.
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