Female Financial Health

The 40+ woman: How (and why) to handle your money well!

Click here and listen back as we share a discussion on today's women 40+ and how to achieve their financial health. 

5 key questions every business owner should answer

Maximizing the value of your estate

From reducing taxes to ensuring your wealth transfer goes through smoothly for your loved ones, there are several strategies to build a careful estate plan custom to your situation, and we can help.

Watch this video and discover several tips for creating a tax-smart estate plan.

Why The Wealthy Barber won’t act as executor for even his closest friends

There are two things that I won’t do, even when begged. I won’t help a friend move—too old to say yes to that. And I won’t be a friend’s executor. Here's why...

(click on the link below)

by David Chilton, The Wealthy Barber