1. Initial meeting package
You will receive a package prior to the first meeting:
- Confirmation of date and time
- Map to office
- List of documents needed for meeting
- Client process and communication program sheet
2. First meeting: 75 minutes
- This is an information gathering meeting only. It’s a chance for both of us to ask questions and discuss options.
- You may wish to bring documents listed in the initial meeting package.
3. Second meeting: 1 to 2 hours
You’re not required to bring anything to this meeting. You’ll be provided the following:
- Investment policy statement
- Proposed recommended portfolio
- Service agreement
- Financial plan
You may choose to open accounts during the second meeting or review documentation further at home before making a decision.
4. Professional network meeting
Many of our clients have tax and legal experts whom they trust and work closely with. This meeting includes them, so they can better understand and give better advice.
5. 60-day meeting: 45 minutes
During this meeting we will cover:
- How to read statements and reports
- Frequency, timing, and topics for future review meetings
- Client preference for type of contact
- Any outstanding questions or planning issues
6. Ongoing Communication
Information here
7. Regular reviews
Information here