Markets have evolved significantly in the last seventy years.  With high-frequency and institutional trading now dominating global markets, the odds of generating long-term, superior rates of returns using conventional investment methodologies has become increasingly challenged.  As markets have evolved, academia has kept pace by deepening our understanding of means that target dimensions of higher expected returns.  Evidence-Based investing employs a systematic approach to selecting securities based on nearly seven decades worth of rigorous academic research. This means we do not speculate, attempt to time markets or identify mispriced securities, or rely on our ego or opinions to shape our clients' investment outcomes. The timeline below details some of the major academic breakthroughs in Finance that have occurred during the past seventy years.



As a testament to Evidenced-Based Investing, the world's largest pension fund, The Government Pension Fund of Norway, has progressively adopted Evidence-Based Investing at the expense of active investment management.

For more information about our investment philosophy, be sure to check out our blog.