The accumulation phase usually takes place between the age of 30 up to 60 but in today's world this is not set in stone. Many very important life events take place during that stage of life, such as Marriage, Buying a home, begin a family, and the start up of a new business venture.

During the accumulation stage of life, key events could also include buying a vacation home, paying off the children's college education and marriage, helping out aging parents or grand children, early or late divorces etc.

It is during the accumulation stage that most of us have access to our peak earnings and thus, should start to build important savings.

One of the most important thing to remember:
Always save. Make it a monthly habit. Even if it is a small amount, just do it!

Start by an amount that makes you feel that you are making a good effort and once it feels comfortable, increase it. It is ''The Wealthy Barber's'' simple secret ! (author: Mr. David Chilton).

We have the expertise to help you during each of the stages of life and we would like to share with you some of the documents and links in our toolbox: