This is a difficult time.

You don’t have to go it alone.

When you lose a loved one, your whole world changes. You feel numb and are afraid these feelings with last forever. It’s not an easy time, it can feel like there’s no end in sight.

As you go through this, it’s not the time to go it alone. Even the strongest and most independent individuals feel lost, sometimes unable to carry out daily routines, never mind the countless decisions that need to be made. A trusted financial advisor can support you, help you with the decisions while honoring your wishes and giving you the space you need to grieve.

You have a lot on your mind. Delegating some financial matters to a professional will allow you to focus on you and your family’s emotional needs.

Here are some of the ways I can help you…

  • Determining which decisions need to get made immediately, and which ones can be made later,
  • Sorting through all of your finances to make sure that nothing gets missed, and,
  • When the time is right, look at a plan to ensure your financial health & well-being.

Now is when you need a compassionate and knowledgeable financial advisor who is experienced in helping families with their finances during these difficult times.

What matters to you, matters to me. Let me be a part of your support team.

Contact me at 416-699-4550 or send me an email at for a no-obligation consultation. You can also click here if you want to send me a question.