grat-i-tude [ˈgrætɪˌtjuːd]

October 09, 2015 | Dian Chaaban


Noun: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.


Many Jays fans started their long weekend off early this afternoon and we all watched on edge hoping for a major comeback in the 14th inning. While we aren’t celebrating a win going into the weekend, I know we’ll still be celebrating everything that we’re thankful for as we eat too much food and enjoy time off with family and friends. Since its Thanksgiving, I thought it would be nice to speak about gratitude and giving thanks.


Like you, I also receive a Friday note from an amazing woman each week – her name is Carol Schulte, a woman's empowerment coach and inspirational speaker on a mission to live BIG and ‘Spark your G.E.N.I.U.S.™’ ~ a program she created for fabulous women to embrace and celebrate their true brilliance. Today Carol also wrote about gratitude and noted some interesting stats,


“Research shows that having a regular gratitude practice can increase happiness by up to 25%. Some psychologists say it also causes higher levels of positive emotions, yields healthier immune systems, allows for greater compassion and generosity, lowers blood pressure, increases self-worth and life's meaning, improves interpersonal relationships, and causes more overall joy and optimism... the list goes on and is by no means exhaustive”…


So with that, I’ll share with you what I’m grateful for…
I’m grateful for my health, my amazing loving family and hilarious friends. I’m grateful that I can walk to the office (both physically and proximity wise). I’m grateful that Mark can reach things that are too high. I’m grateful for good music, good food and delicious scotch. I’m grateful for spell check and good grammar. I’m grateful for my awesome associate, Noushin. I’m grateful that I am backed by an institution as outstanding as RBC and I’m grateful for each and every one of YOU.


Many of you reading this are long-time clients, friends and family and some of you recently made the decision to trust us with your financial investments and estate & tax planning. Regardless of how long we have been together, you no doubt have seen the difference we can make in your world. So, as you greet the thanksgiving weekend and visit with colleagues, friends and family, think about the value we might add to their lives and if you believe that we could add value, please do not hesitate to introduce us to a few of them – it would be my privilege to extend our care to those you care most about.