I was away from the office last week at our firm’s President’s Club conference – and while that sounds nice, you may be wondering what this club represents and why I was there, so I’ll tell you a little bit more… Rather than try to explain it myself, here are a few lines from the letter those of us attending President’s Club receive from our CEO, David Agnew: “On behalf of RBC Dominion Securities, I would like to congratulate you on qualifying for President’s Club. This is a tremendous accomplishment and a testament to your commitment to growing your business and offering your clients an unmatched wealth management experience…We recognize the hard work and dedication required to achieve this level of success and we are committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to continue to build your business...thank you for your continued dedication to your clients and to our firm”. In addition to celebrating our successes, we attend various sessions and listen to brilliant speakers on a variety of wealth management strategies, investment ideas, economic updates and client service best practices to enhance our advice and service to clients. Three very pronounced topics this year were:
As such, these will be the topics for WOTS over the next few weeks as I believe they are important topics for you as well. Jumping right into the first topic – and because it is the most timely - click here to request a 2017 Year End Tax Planning Summary we’ve put together for you that outlines the top 20 opportunities to reduce your 2017 tax bill and here for the latest update on private company tax proposals. 2017 Year End Tax Planning sneak peek: Common year-end tax planning strategies such as tax loss selling, cap gains deferral, year-end bonus planning, income splitting, charitable donations, tax instalments, TFSA & RRSP contributions, RIF strategies, RESP contributions, trust reminders, tax shelters, timing of purchases, moving within Canada, interest on family loans, year-end expenses and tax planning for business owners. Update on private company tax proposals sneak peek: Overview of proposals not being implemented (lifetime capital gains exemption and converting regular income into capital gains) and proposals being implemented (small business tax rate decrease, income splitting using private corps and holding passive investments inside a private corp). I’m also excited to announce that I will begin hosting complimentary financial literacy sessions for the kids in 2018 – but for kids of all ages (adult children are included in that definition of ‘all’). Stay tuned for the workshop agenda which will outline topics and age suitability to sign your kids up for an educational evening.
Now you are in-the-know with Word on the Street.
Enjoy your weekend,