Global Insight Monthly - August 2022
I am pleased to share the latest investment strategy report from RBC Wealth Management—Global Insight, which provides our latest thoughts on asset classes, the economy, and timely issues that impact investment strategy. This month’s topics include:
As earnings go, so goes the market
While we think the bulk of market risks are in the rearview mirror, it may take more time to reveal whether the economic and earnings vulnerabilities have been fully incorporated into stock prices.
U.S. recession scorecard update: Trouble with the curve
One of our most reliable indicators of U.S. recession—the yield curve—has flipped to negative and is now strongly suggesting a recession is on the way. Most others on the scorecard remain positive but less decidedly so than was true a few months ago.
Global equity: It’s a question of timing
As we enter a new month, an old question remains—when (and if) a recession will arrive. We believe the answer is in central banks’ hands.
Global fixed income: Flying blind
Many global central banks are now planning to make policy decisions on a meeting-by-meeting basis, which may only further increase volatility as both markets and central banks react to each piece of key incoming economic data.
Advice Event: Responsible Investing
Invest with a Greater Purpose - Socially Responsible Investing & ESG
Thursday – August 18th, 2022: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
How will you align your investments with your personal beliefs and values? More and more people are turning to responsible investing—a process that applies environmental, social and governance (ESG) data to your investment portfolio.
Please join us for this special advice event, where we will be discussing the features, benefits and various options available for responsible investing.
Hosted via Cisco Webex
Register Here>
Stagflation and four ways to mitigate its impact
As inflation soars and economic growth stalls, the growing threat of “stagflation” is hitting the economy and investment markets hard. The term stagflation combines “stagnant” with “inflation” – and here’s what you need to know about it.
Fortifying your retirement income: The three-bucket approach
The three-bucket approach is a straight-forward strategy to help retired and cash-flow-focused investors sustain their investment income and preserve their wealth through all market conditions.
Mydoh – A Financial Literacy app Designed for Parents and Kids
Get Mydoh and empower your kids with real-world money experience. They’ll learn and practice money skills that will last a lifetime. Learn, earn, and spend together.
Developed by RBC Ventures, Mydoh is a money management app and Smart Card (digital and physical Prepaid Visa Card) that helps kids make their own earning and spending decisions. Mydoh is designed to enable the right spending habits and empowers youth to experience financial independence in a safe and secure way.
- Suitable for kids between the ages of 6 and 15
- Kids can earn real money by completing parent-assigned tasks
- Kids will get the independence to make their own spending decisions with their Mydoh Smart Cash Card
- Kids will learn essential money concepts through fun financial literacy lessons and quizzes
- Contact us directly to receive a promo code and receive $15 applied to your account
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