Monthly Newsletter: Portfolio Advisor - March 2025

March 11, 2025 | Thomas De Mello


RBC Global Insight: March 2025

I am pleased to share the latest investment strategy report from RBC Wealth Management—Global Insight, which provides our current thoughts on asset classes, the economy, and timely issues that impact investment strategy.

Power, storage, and electrification: A revolution

Renewable energy has become an integral part of the global economy and is poised to play an even greater role in the coming decades. We examine key trends that are likely to generate opportunities and risks for investors.

Global equity: “Everything else” takes its revenge

Major equity markets outside the U.S. have fared better than we expected given the aggressive tariff policies of the new U.S. administration. But anticipation of the tariffs has already taken a sizable bite out of Q1 U.S. GDP. Worries that this could be signaling a downshift into slow-growth mode for the world’s largest economy are weighing on markets.

Global fixed income: Proceed with caution

The biggest risks around tariffs and trade wars—higher inflation and lower growth—could eventually pose a problem for central banks.

U.S. Recession Scorecard: Waiting for clarity

We believe a mixed Scorecard, with the preponderance sitting in less-positive columns, argues for investors to stick to a watchful, cautious approach.

Read Full Report Here >

U.S. Tariffs: Information & Resources - Updated

With the ongoing headlines of U.S. President Trump’s unprecedented decision to impose tariffs on key trading partners, including Canada, many investors likely have questions and concerns on the impact this may have on the economy, global markets, and their own portfolios and financial plan.

While it is hard to know precisely what the future has in store, we believe maintaining a disciplined investment strategy focused on the long-term while avoiding knee-jerk reactions to near-term headlines is the most prudent approach. Our portfolios remain diversified across asset and sub-asset classes to help navigate a wide range of economic scenarios. Please find several articles on this top below,and know that we are always available to discuss in more detail if you have any specific questions or concerns. (Note – The status of tariffs, and subsequent information on this topic is subject to change often).

Ø Tariffs: Bracing for market impact (Published March 10th)


Ø U.S. tariffs on Canada take effect: What is the state of play?


Ø RBC GAM: Here come the Tariffs (video)


Ø RBC GAM: Market update - Tariffs inject uncertainty and volatility into outlook and financial markets

Ø Insights on how Canada can build a resilient economy and fortify North America



Clint Guide to 2024 Tax Reporting 

2024 RRSP Contribution Deadline

This guide summarizes the important dates and required tax information to prepare your annual tax return. It also includes a handy list of potential tax slips you may receive from RBC Dominion Securities® (depending on your investment holdings and account activity).

ØApril 30, 2025 – last day to file your 2024 tax return without penalty.

ØJune 15, 2025 – last day to file your 2024 tax return without penalty if you are self-employed.

To help make tax time easier for you, your 2024 tax slips are available through RBC Wealth Management® Online, including mutual fund tax slips issued by RBC® (tax slips issued by other issuers outside of RBC will continue to be sent by regular mail). Simply log in to RBC Wealth Management Online to view your tax documents. For access to RBC Wealth Management Online, or if you are missing a tax document, please contact Abby Huang.

View the Full Guide to Tax reporting Here

Canada's Housing Market Update

Trade turbulence shakes Canada's housing market foundations

Any signs of market optimism that emerged in January (mostly from sellers) quickly vanished in February as concerns about the economic consequences of a trade war with the U.S. sent chills through participants. Rough weather conditions in large parts of the country also likely kept house hunters at bay. Early reports from local real estate boards showed a widespread drop in the number of homes sold between January and February. The Toronto market took the biggest hit with transactions plunging to a new cycle low. Activity fell notably in Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Calgary and Montreal.

Read More Here >

Five ways to pay less tax in retirement 

Strategies to help maintain the pre-retirement lifestyle 

Taking home more income during your retirement can make all the difference in the type of lifestyle you get to enjoy. And one way to keep more of your earnings is to minimize the taxes you pay. This article explores five strategies to consider if you’re retired or getting close.

Read More Here >

Complimentary Second Opinion Service

Helping your family build, manage and protect your wealth

If you’re a successful entrepreneur, part of a large family, or a high net-worth retiree/pre-retiree, you may have to manage financial issues that others don’t; This could include inheritances, assets in trust, complex tax planning, or a family vacation property. Perhaps you’d like to put your finances into greater context with your family’s savings, estate and business planning goals. Whatever your personal situation, we are here to help, with a comprehensive review that can ensure your wealth remains “all in the family.”

Our review process typically looks at both your investment portfolio and your overall wealth planning. This way, we can assess your financial situation in the context of your personal tax situation, savings goals, the time you have to invest and other factors such as your insurance coverage or charitable intentions.

Learn More Here >

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