Our Process 

Our process is designed to help our clients fulfil their investment needs. We maintain a strong focus on the goals and objectives that our clients have set for themselves, and in turn, determine the best way to achieve them.

In doing so, we create a written plan, also known as an Investment Policy Statement, that adheres to each client’s preferences and objectives. In illustrating clients’ goals we take into account tax considerations, investment alternatives and ultimately an asset mix that best fits the unique individual.

Together, Charles Lasnier’s investment philosophy and process offer our clients the best in wealth management services and expertise.

Addressing all of your financial concerns: 

In addition to investment advice and money management, we can assist with a wide range of wealth management needs, including:

  • Financial Planning to clarify your financial situation and goals

  • Will & Estate consultation to help you maximize your legacy

  • Insurance consultation to identify opportunities to protect or enhance your wealth

  • A comprehensive assessment of your needs to determine the services that are appropriate for your situation

Private Investment Management – Because life is too short

To help you delegate the management of your financial affairs with confidence, Charles Lasnier is pleased to offer our premier level of discretionary wealth management – Private Investment Management (PIM). PIM is ideally suited for those requiring intensive professional management for $1 000,000+ portfolios:

  • Busy entrepreneurs, professionals and executives

  • Retired individuals who travel or would rather dedicate time to other interests and pursuits

  • Individuals responsible for family investments

  • Not-for-profit organizations, foundations and endowments

With PIM, you can be confident that your portfolio will be managed according to the highest standards. We handle all the details on an ongoing basis, working within specific guidelines established in your Investment Policy Statement (IPS). In addition, an extensive team of RBC Dominion Securities professionals provides:

  • Investment strategy and research

  • Program standards for portfolio composition, quality and risk levels

  • Third-party oversight to ensure alignment with your IPS and program standards

Charles can take advantage of investment opportunities quickly and efficiently because your approval is not required for every single transaction. Robust investment management guidelines, checks and balances and formal reviews ensure that your portfolio is managed to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.