We collaborate with a select group of highly accredited tax, legal and financial professionals, from the industry-leading RBC Wealth Management Services team, to help us provide integrated wealth management solutions specific to your needs.


Our Partners


Ted Chan, B.Com., CFP, CLU, CIM, FCSI, TEP

Financial Planning Specialist, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management


Ariel-Charles Guigui, B. Admin, LL.B, TEP

Vice-President & Will & Estate Consultant, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management


Andrew Sipes, CLU

Estate Planning Specialist, RBC Wealth Management Financial Services Inc.


Bobby Hinduja, CPA, CA, CBV

Vice-President, High Net Worth Planning Services,Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management


Prashant Patel, CFP, TEP

Vice-President, High Net Worth Planning Services, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management


Karen Snowdon-Steacy, TEP

Senior Trust Advisor, RBC Royal Trust