In recent years, managing your wealth has become increasingly complex, with more investment products to choose from, a myriad of complicated tax rules and greater uncertainty in the global financial markets.

More than ever, you need a wealth advisor with the experience, knowledge and resources to help you navigate today’s challenges, and the creativity, connections and independence to create the highly customized, multi-faceted strategies that your unique circumstances demand. We are here to teach, coach and motivate our clients.  

PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT is the art and science of making decisions about investment mix and policy, matching investments to objectives, asset allocation for individuals and institutions, and balancing risk against performance.

Investment Policy  

This statement expresses your personal investment objectives in a document that will guide the content of your portfolio.  It establishes the framework for managing your investment portfolio, including making decisions, reporting on progress and regularly reviewing your objectives.

Investment Strategy

Our primary focus is on selecting attractively valued, quality stocks and investments that offer compelling reward-to-risk potential over the medium to long term.

Investment Portfolio Structures to consider

  • Fixed income – A portfolio with a primary focus on asset preservation and fixed income. Typically constructed with a mix of GICs, bonds, preferred shares, ETFs and other fixed income instruments.

  • Balanced – A portfolio allocation and management method aimed at balancing risk and return. Such portfolios are generally divided equally between equities and fixed-income securities. Balance can be 40/60, 50/50 & 60/40 as example.

  • Growth and Income – A growth and income portfolio has a dual strategy of capital appreciation (growth) and current income generation through dividends or interest payments. A growth and income portfolio may invest in equities or in a combination of stocks, bonds, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and other securities. Can also have a fixed income weighting.

Service Plan & Reporting – Your specialized service plan includes ongoing portfolio analysis and review, prompt service and value-added information and tools. Your investment Policy Statement is designed and reviewed annually, with additional reviews conducted as needed including asset allocation and other portfolio changes. We provide RBC DS monthly investment activity statements and summary, Quarterly portfolio composition reports, a year-end tax package, as well as a complimentary MacKay Group Weekly Investment Report, Weekly Focus List, Quarterly Investment Strategy Commentary & RBC Capital Markets Quarterly Strategy Publications.

Maximize upside. Buy great companies. - BM

I’ve learned that only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are.❞

– Bill Gates