Suddenly Solo – Life after losing a mate

Losing the love of your life through death or divorce can plunge you into an emotional tailspin.

The Parker Wealth Management team has a deep understanding of how such a severe loss can affect their clients.

They understand how emotions can leave an individual feeling powerless, especially when it comes to their finances.  Clients know that they have to deal with the money side of things, but they may find it too difficult.  Stepping into this new role may throw them into a panic, ultimately causing serious financial slip ups.

Here are some tips that the Parker Wealth Management team would like to share:

First and foremost, seek professional advice.

Some individuals rush off and sell their home thinking that the bills have to be paid.  Sometimes, misinformation from well meaning friends and relatives can compound this sense of panic.

Take your Time

The feeling that “you have to get on with your life” may make the newly single person rush into making financial decisions… don’t do it.

Deal with an advisor who will listen to you rather than doing all the talking.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions.  If you don’t know – ask.  If you still don’t understand, ask again.  A true professional advisor wants to help you understand and make an informed decision

Gather and organize all your financial information and get a financial plan done.

“Life will be different, but it doesn’t have to be worse.”