vito eric talk wealth management

Meet Eric Janitis and Vito Finucci

March 18, 2020 |The Finucci Janitis Wealth Management Group

Meet The Finucci Janitis Wealth Management Group of RBC Dominion Securities

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RBC Finucci Janitis Wealth Management Group

Infomail: Beware the Ides of March?

March 18, 2020 |Vito Finucci

Not Caesar this time, but the death of the 11 year Bull Market?

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RBC Financial Planner London

Why Asset Allocation matters: What are we doing with portfolios?

March 16, 2020 |Eric Janitis

Why process is so important in volatile times.

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COVID-19: How we are helping our clients

March 16, 2020 |Finucci Janitis Group
The COVID-19 virus and its global reach have created much uncertainty for many in recent weeks, impacting daily routines, schools, events, etc. As the outbreak continues to evolve, we want you to know that our group and RBC is doing everything we can...
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THE QUICKEST 10%... EVER. (Volatility Is Back)

March 02, 2020 |Vito Finucci

Markets had a volatile end to February. What does it mean for your portfolio?

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