RBC DS London Ontario

CANNABIS NATION: No Need To Guess What “Might” Happen

September 25, 2018 |Vito Finucci

A look back at "Colorado’s Rocky Mountain High"... What pot has meant to Colorado and what it can show Canadians. See its affect on young people, homelessness, impaired driving, and government revenues after 5 years of legalization...

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Gary Weatherup Financial Planner

Do you need to make NHL money to afford Leafs tickets?

September 18, 2018 |Gary Weatherup

How much do Toronto Maple Leafs season tickets cost? Can you afford them? Do you need to make NHL money to go to a Leafs game?

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Vito Finucci Financial Planner London Ontario

Mid-Term Year - September, Friend or Foe?

September 05, 2018 |Vito Finucci

Is the stock market rise near an end? How does the market do in mid-term election years? What happens when the leaves change colours? Our thoughts heading into Q4.

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