The DOUBLE TO SELL implementation cheat sheet

March 09, 2020 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


The DOUBLE TO SELL implementation cheat sheet

*drum roll please*

I’m bringing Cameron BACK to Ottawa (he’s a Carleton U alumnus) for an exclusive - and intensive – one day workshop - Double to Sell: Canada's Premier workshop for business owners who want a cash rich exit in 10 years or less.

In this one high-octane day, we'll walk you through a succession planning process designed to help you unlock your multi-million-dollar exit strategy.

Whether you’re the COO or CEO (or BOTH, as co-founders) we’re going to help you figure out what you need to do to get that vivid vision in place, to get all those pieces lined up to reverse engineer to your goals.

Whether it is to have a spectacular way to exit, or have the business roll over to the next generation or management team or wherever you fall on that spectrum!

This isn’t a motivational talk “self-help day” kind of day, either. Be prepared to roll up those (early spring!) sleeves and do some REALLY hard work.

We’re keeping this small and focused, and we want to know that all 30 people who are going to be in the room are going to be able to share, and come prepared to really do some strong thinking, and walk away with some really practical next steps.

Here’s a 3 part break down of your day… and that is just a sampling of the overall value you’ll gain from this exclusive day:

  1. Craft Your $300 Million Exit Plan with Cameron Herold

    1. The actual HOW of it.

  2. Keep Your Money: 5 Strategies To Increase your Personal Take Home Proceeds After Your Cash Rich Exit

    1. Closely guarded tax secrets that will maximize the cash you take home after your exit (IF you start planning TODAY)

    2. 3 Things you MUST NEVER do if you plan on exiting with a massive pay day

  3. Lessons From the Trenches: 5 Founders Dish On Selling Their Businesses - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

    1. Practical tips and strategies from Founders who have been there, along with Canada's top advisors to business owners in the midst of an exit.

Cameron's built a dynamic consultancy – but what his clients like most about him is that he isn’t a theory guy - he speaks only from his direct, personal experience. He’s both built and coached extraordinarily successful companies.

“When you’ve created such a strong culture that is not about the leader but is about vision and people and systems and strategies and the pulse and meeting rhythms and physical space, you have a very sellable package. So that’s I think what people are going to really get out of this is time with someone who has really done it. I’ve worked with the CEO of Sprint. I coached a monarchy in the Middle East! I’ve worked with real companies, real businesses, and we’re going to really dig in and spend that time together so they can really be prepared to go back into their businesses and grow something. I’ve been there. I’ve been in the dirt actually hiring and interviewing. I was talking to someone the other day, and he said, ‘What do you know about interviewing?’ I said I hired 120 people by the time I was 24, and then those people hired another 1200, so I know something. And he’s like holy sh**! I’m like, yes, dude. I’ve been there. In four months, I hired 220 people. I got this.” Cameron Herold

Be prepared to have a lot of fun. You’re not attending a huge conference and sitting in an auditorium. Leave the stuffy boardroom style thinking (and acting!) at the office. And shake off any hubris or ego.

Real talk. Honest thinking. Hard truths.

You’re going to get all of that and more on May 6th. I hope to see you there!

Apply to see if you’re a fit.






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