Is Entrepreneurship life in the Fastlane?

August 14, 2019 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


I’m an avid reader year-round. In the summer, I dial up from ‘avid’ to ‘ferocious’.

Recently I finished The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Marco. At first, I almost threw it across the room – it’s so full of mucho masculine bravado, talk of Lamborghinis and beer commercials, and a get-rich-quick simplicity which would be a turn-off for many readers. But it also resonated with me. Why? Because MJ Marco postulates that we can describe one’s financial position as living on the sidewalk, the slow lane, or driving in the Fastlane. He says the Fastlane is the route to wealth and riches.

I also re-read The Millionaire Next Door and its sequel The Next Millionaire Next Door. (I’ve lined up author Sarah Stanley Fallaw to be a podcast guest in the Fall.) As reported in The Millionaire Next Door and postulated by MJ Marco, the road to real riches is paved with business ownership; that is, the execution on a great idea that fills a gap or a need.

You may have noticed my recent focus on business ownership and entrepreneurship. I’ve talked about the Self Made Nation and talked to ambitious entrepreneurs (tune into the July 23rd episode of I'm a Millionaire! So Now What? here).

I believe business ownership is the best way to create personal wealth.

That’s not to say that a life as a valued employee, professional or tradesperson will be uncomfortable – far from it! (Especially if you follow the 8 steps of the Roadmap to Real Riches.) But I do believe that entrepreneurship, matched with the steadfastness of Roadmap’s 8 steps, will lead to full freedom from money worries and your ability to have major impact in the world.

Canadian private enterprises, like small and medium-sized businesses all around the world, are the driving force of our economies: “They are the engine of the economy and their success is vital to Canada’s prosperity.”

And entrepreneurship is, as I wrote last week, Simple but not Easy. It takes curiosity, creativity and above all, grit. It’s not for everyone – it comes with risks that the average person isn’t willing to assume, but the rewards can be outstanding. In the classic (albeit also male-centric) Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says “Everything is Impossible, Until it is Possible.”

At O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management we deliver advice and support to the Self Made Nation. It’s our business to support you in spending, saving, and sharing wealth. Notice I don’t say ‘growing’. Growing and creating wealth is the talent of the Self Made Nation. It’s your gift, as a business owner/CEO/Founder, to be able to turn ideas into revenue, make what’s impossible today, possible tomorrow.

If you’re looking for a fresh perspective from a wealth management team focused on building and strategizing financial plans that optimize how you spend, save & share your wealth, we’re welcoming new clients, selectively. Please get in touch with us here.


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