Build your business and personal wealth with expert advice

Owning and operating a successful company commands a lot of time and attention. Every day, you make critical decisions that affect the financial health of your business. So, you know how important it is to have the best possible services and products to help effectively manage your finances — we can help.

Our business owner solutions can be ideal if you need help:

  • Managing business and personal assets separately but efficiently
  • Investing, preserving and maximizing surplus cash
  • Designing a succession plan for a smooth transition
  • Creating diversified, tax-efficient income with the sale proceeds
  • Protecting against the sudden loss of a key employee using insurance solutions
  • Safeguarding personal and business assets from adverse events
  • Building employee loyalty with employer-sponsored retirement plans

10 key wealth planning decisions for business owners

Whether you’re already a business owner or thinking of becoming one, the decisions you make may have far-reaching impacts, not only for your business, but for you and your family as well. The business owner’s guide to wealth management follows the life cycle of a business, exploring 10 key decisions for wherever you may be on your business ownership journey, including:

  • What is the best structure for your business?
  • How can you reduce taxes?
  • What should you do with surplus cash?
  • What can you do to prepare for the unexpected?
  • Do you have an exit strategy or succession plan to transition into retirement?
  • How can you keep your business in the family?

Contact us for a free copy of The business owner’s guide to wealth management.

Business owner's guide

Business owner's guide

Contact us for a free copy of The business owner’s guide to wealth management.

Insurance solutions

A solution for your corporate needs

Every day, you make crucial business decisions affecting the financial health of your business organization. And you know how important it is to have the best possible services and products to help effectively manage your finances. Making the right financial decisions is a big responsibility – and we can help.

Some of the best opportunities for small corporations, including holding companies, come from using tax-exempt life insurance. It is a tax-efficient means of transferring wealth out of a corporation into the hands of the next generation when you pass away. 

We can provide you with access to a vast array of products and services geared towards the needs of businesses and corporations. An important part of preparing your business for continued success is to prepare it for the unexpected. We have access to a wide array of business protection strategies:

Funding buyout agreements

In the case of partnerships, the death or disability of one partner can have a devastating effect on the survival of a business. Insurance can provide an excellent method of funding buyout agreements so that the remaining partner takes full control of the business and the surviving family is properly compensated.

Shared ownership

For companies that wish to retain top employees, the shared ownership of a permanent insurance policy can be an attractive opportunity. It protects the company against the death of the employee, and motivates that person to remain with the firm through the enticement of an attractive, low-cost retirement asset. This arrangement can create a win-win situation for everyone.

Minimizing corporate taxes

If corporate assets are invested in fixed income, then an insurance strategy can not only reduce its taxable income but it will lower the value of the business by the amount of the investment, thereby reducing the inevitable capital gains tax liability.

Maximizing corporate assets

By taking advantage of tax-deferred growth inside a Universal Life or Whole Life policy, corporate assets can avoid accrual taxation and grow to a much greater value than if they were invested in a regular account. Not only that, but upon death, most, if not all, of the proceeds can be paid out of the corporation tax-free. Ordinarily they would be paid out as taxable dividends, requiring approximately one third of the value to be paid in taxes.

Executive life insurance planning

Executive life insurance enables you to provide managers and executives with a supplementary benefit package. In this instance, both you and your executive purchase a tax-exempt life insurance policy with your executive named as the insured. Both of you will share the benefits. This form of insurance provides protection for an executive's family, while you benefit from an investment offering tax-deferred growth.

Business succession planning

A business succession plan can help protect your business when an owner-shareholder retires or passes away. Elements of a successful business succession plan include buy-sell agreements, a Will and powers of attorney.

A buy-sell provision is a shareholder agreement that allows for the orderly transfer of shares in the event of disability, death or retirement of a shareholder. Upon the death of a shareholder, the buy-sell agreement generally instructs the corporation to purchase the shares of the deceased. Insurance is a cost-effective way of providing the necessary funds to carry out those instructions.

Key person insurance

Many companies, public or private, large or small, often rely on the skills and contributions of a single person. Proficient with all levels of the firm's operations, respected by staff and trusted by clients, such key individuals play a crucial role in the company's success. The sudden departure of a key person can create a void, difficult, if not near impossible and costly, to fill. Taking out life insurance on the key person, or people, in your organization can help mitigate these costs.

A solution for your personal needs

We understand that creating and effectively managing your wealth is just part of the equation. It's also important to preserve it. Through the use of insurance strategies, we can help you preserve your wealth during your lifetime, and protect the value of your estate for your family and other beneficiaries. Insurance strategies can also help you maximize the wealth you transfer to your heirs.

Estate creation and preservation

You can offset costs that are incurred at death and preserve your estate by having insurance proceeds pay them for you. Taxes, liabilities, estate-related and other future costs can all be offset by your permanent insurance coverage. By taking advantage of the preferred status of tax-exempt life insurance, you can maximize the value of your assets and maximize the value being transferred to the next generation. Living benefits insurance is also vital to estate preservation, by ensuring funds are available should you require them at a time of illness.

Tax minimization

Tax-exempt insurance can eliminate the annual taxes you pay on your investment growth, as well as those payable when you die. Individuals tired of being punished for strong earnings may appreciate this tax-protector opportunity. The long-term value of these products is that their earnings can often greatly eclipse what would otherwise be earned through regular investing.

Estate maximization and protection

If part of your portfolio is held in GICs, Canada Savings Bonds or a bank account, you have probably never given a second thought to market fluctuations. Sticking to a conservative investment strategy can lead to peace of mind in the short term, but it may put you at risk in the long run. Essentially, you risk outliving your retirement savings. Generally speaking, one way to ensure that you have enough money to meet your retirement needs is to diversify your portfolio. You can get the security of a GIC and the performance potential of the stock market without needlessly risking your hard-earned savings with segregated funds.

Income enhancement

Certain solutions using insurance products can provide a supplemental stream of cash, thereby enhancing retirement income. The net income derived from this strategy may be significantly higher than what is achievable with traditional fixed-income vehicles, especially during times of low interest rates.

Insurance products are offered through RBC Wealth Management Financial Services Inc. (“RBC WMFS”), a subsidiary of RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* RBC WMFS is licensed as a financial services firm in the province of Quebec.