You have meaningful goals. Our Team can help you reach them. For over 25 years, we have worked with individuals, families and businesses to deliver services and solutions that help build, preserve and manage wealth.  The result: the peace of mind and confidence you need to follow your ambitions and passions.

Business Owners

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Business owner planning

Every day, you make crucial decisions affecting the financial health of your business. And you know how important it is to have the best possible services and products to help effectively manage your finances. Making the right financial decisions is a big responsibility —and we can help.

Explore how we can meet the following business planning needs:

Business investing

Fulfil all of your company's investment needs with our customized business strategies and convenient solutions.

Managing business risk

Help protect your business through business succession planning, executive life insurance, key person insurance and more.

Our business owner planning solutions could be ideal if you need to:

  • Manage business and personal assets
  • Invest on behalf of a business or corporation
  • Plan for business succession
  • Protect against the sudden loss of a key employee using Key Person Insurance
  • Help manage the risk of price fluctuations for a commodity that your business produces
  • Help gain greater cost certainty for a commodity your business uses to produce value-added goods

We would be pleased to speak with you about your financial objectives. Please feel free to contact us today.

Professionals & Executives

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Tax-minimization strategies

Watch the following video to learn key strategies to help manage your tax burden.

We would be pleased to speak with you about your financial objectives. Please feel free to contact us today.

Women in Wealth Management

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Helping you achieve your personal and financial goals

Wealth management is a comprehensive approach to helping you achieve your goals in life. It gives you the confidence you need to make sound financial decisions, plus the freedom to live life the way you want. It also provides a clear roadmap for your future by addressing all aspects of your financial situation at each stage of your life.

With the wealth management approach, we can help you:

  • Clarify your individual needs
  • Establish specific goals
  • Bring together all the solutions you need to effectively manage your wealth
  • Wealth management extends beyond investment advice and money management, helping you protect your lifestyle, manage your nest egg, plan your retirement and create your legacy. We help guide you and your family through each life stage by helping you understand the various financial issues, concerns and opportunities you face.

We would be pleased to speak with you about your financial objectives. Please feel free to contact us today.


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Rethinking retirement with today's increasing life spans ...

With more and more Canadian centenarians, retirement has become a whole new life stage. You may enjoy your retirement longer than your working years. How can you ensure that this longer retirement is filled with purpose and the freedom that a well-thought-out retirement plan can provide?

A new horizon: planning for 100

Longer lives leading Canadians to rethink their investment plans

Have you ever asked yourself how long you will live? Call it superstition or just plain fear of death, many of us avoid the topic like the plague. When we are young, we imagine we’ll live forever; as we age, the end seems all too possible.

Interestingly, more than 50% of Canadian adults don’t have a Will, with one of the most pervasive reasons being that they don’t like thinking about death. But to consider the question rationally – with all its implications – is more important than ever. That’s because Canadians are living longer lives, driven by scientific, environmental, medical and lifestyle improvements.

A mixed blessing

While it’s a blessing for most of us, a longer life also presents challenges. Outliving retirement savings is one – and it’s the greatest fear of pre-retirees, according to a recent RBC poll1. Health problems are another: out-of-pocket medical costs after age 65 are estimated at $5,400 annually2 – and are likely to keep rising. This means that aging Canadians require their investment portfolios to support longer lifespans while generating cash-flow to cover potentially increasingly higher living costs.

Rethinking investment time horizons

For many years, a key investment planning question was “When do you plan on retiring?” That timeframe – from today to the assumed year of retirement – became the standard investment time horizon for an investment portfolio. It largely determined the degree of risk you could prudently take: the longer your time horizon, the more risk you could take to ride out the ups and down of the markets and realize potentially higher growth over time.

Towards the end of your time horizon, you would gradually ratchet down risk, eventually transferring to assets with little to no risk, such as GICs and bonds. The presumption being, once you hit retirement, you couldn’t afford to take any risk, as you would need your savings to fund your retirement.

This strategy made more sense when the average Canadian retired at 65 and was only likely to live for another 5-8 years. But a new approach is required with Canadians today retiring on average at 63 and living into their 80s and 90s (and an increasing number to 100 and beyond).

Planning to – and through – retirement

Today, your retirement portfolio should ideally focus on two things:

  1. tax-efficient cash flow for a well-funded retirement lifestyle
  2. a prudent combination of capital preservation and growth to maintain the long-term value of your portfolio through your golden years, while also offsetting the ravages of inflation.

Time is on your side

Fortunately, longer life spans mean longer investment time horizons, allowing today’s retirees to take advantage of the long-term growth of equities to meet their preservation and income needs. Whether or not you live to 100, considering the odds and planning ahead can help ensure that your golden years are just that.

We would be pleased to speak with you about your financial objectives. Please feel free to contact us today.

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