Where do you come from, and where are you headed?  Who has impacted your life, and what goals are important to you?  A dynamic goal plan can lead to defining moments such as actually going on a lengthy travel adventure, choosing to live off the grid, purchasing a classic car, spending a month in Hawaii each year, or taking the extended family to Disneyland.  The possibilities are endless, and personal.

Think of all the things that we plan for: travel, car purchases, home ownership, education, retirement, life experiences...  But what about the bigger picture?  How do Income Taxes and Investment Strategies, Estate Fees and Government Regulations affect our plans?  If we do not assess the various options available to keep more money in our pocket, the impact on our goals and dreams can be significant.  I believe that everyone can use a little help assessing their goals and progress from time to time.

Trust and respect are essential components to the relationship that I develop with my clients.  A partnership is created, and it is very rewarding to share dreams and witness the realization of important milestones along one’s journey.  Professional guidance can ensure that the choices you make optimize the resources available to you.  I take pride in getting to know you and those who are near & dear to you.



I am grateful to have a mind for numbers, and an ability to make practical financial planning relatable to others.

I have had a passion for numbers since adolescence.  I excelled in Math over other subjects (I was the queen of multiplication tables in grade school), and that passion never stopped.  Even as a young adult, I was applying strong math skills to personal finances and encouraging friends and siblings to be fiscally responsible.

Those talents were encouraged by my parents whose career paths included math teacher, engineer, counselor and personal coach.

Even my hobbies involve those skills.  I enjoy scrapbooking & weaving, which are measurement intensive.  Remembering model years for cars was, and still is a hobby.  I love cars from the 60's, and explaining their nuances to anyone who will listen.

So how does my passion for numbers contribute to my career strengths?  I am a Financial Planner, which has everything to do with...numbers…and making numbers relatable to each client’s personal goals and circumstances.

This is your Journey: be curious, be confident, make educated financial decisions.

I would be honored to assist you.


Sandra Cramen, BA, CFP
Investment Advisor & Financial Planner
Phone # 250-712-2162
Toll free # 1-800-756-2211



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