Setting Your Goals - This meeting sets the stage for your future. We discuss your experiences, circumstances, needs and goals. We explore your current situation and more importantly, your future. A number of tools and processes are used at this stage.


Creating Your Plan - This phase requires disclosure of your specific financial details and allows us to form a better understanding of how we can best assist you. We will bring all of your information together to create a personalized plan unique to you.


Building Your Foundation - It is at our second meeting when you will receive your Investment Policy Statement, Risk Tolerance results and details of your Action Plan. We will ensure the plan is tailored to meet your unique investment needs and goals. We will discuss specific observations and recommendations at this time.


Commit To Your Success - Once you approve your Action Plan, we begin our commitment to your success. Documentation and details will be taken care of by our team.


Solution Implementation - Once your assets are gathered, we will do a final review of your Action Plan and make any necessary alterations. Once finalized, we will put your plan to work for you.


Navigating Your Course - We are here to provide you with comprehensive Wealth Management Solutions. We will monitor your portfolio regularly and keep you informed with touch-base phone calls, important research mailings and annual review meetings.



If you'd like to learn more about the Dynamic Wealth Process, or to arrange an initial consultation, please feel free to contact us today.