Avoid Boring People

August 30, 2018 | Sam Rook


On A More Interesting Life

                One of the more thought provoking things I have ever heard is the title of this blog post- Avoid boring people. It is credited to famous DNA scientist, Jim Watson but I first heard it on a podcast with a Venture Capitalist named Josh Wolfe.


                Avoid boring people has two distinct ways to read and understand it. Most of us will instinctively think first of “avoid people that are boring” because we are wired to be self-serving first and foremost as a species. No one wants to have a discussion about a topic that you have no vested interest. For me that is anything “Kardashian”. As soon as I hear the name I immediately tune you out. Of course what is interesting/boring to me is going to be completely different to someone else. You will likely find lots of interesting people in your life so why waste your time with those that bore you?


                Avoid boring people also has the other side, the side we often don’t think of immediately. This is the “you should not bore others” side of things and it is a lot more difficult to defend against. I have lots of interests and hobbies and know plenty of people that enjoy similar interests and hobbies and we can talk all afternoon together. The hardest thing for me; you, also, is to understand that NOT everyone likes that interest at the same level as you. My father and I can discuss politics for hours on end. My wife and I cannot make it past 2 minutes before she is bored. I have learned she is just not interested so I avoid boring her with my interests and discuss our mutual interests instead. I avoid boring her {Editor: Good marriage advice too!}


                Now this is not meant to be call to be The Most Interesting Man/Woman in the world. Aside from the hilarious commercials, I don’t think it is possible to be the “most” of anything. Rather it is a call to steer your life towards what is interesting to you and then find people with the same interests. You will find life more enjoyable and exciting.


                There is a catch to this idea, no one walks around with a table of contents showing what is inside. You have to seek it out and find it. The most effective way to do that is to ask questions. Find out what another person likes or what they do for excitement. Ask questions and then keep asking more questions. Trust me, if you are bored you will not make it past the second question. If you are interested, you will find new questions to ask as your brain begins to absorb new and not-boring information. If they find it interesting you can ask any number of questions because, well because we all like to talk about things that are interesting to us.


                So remember, avoid boring people and also avoid boring people. Also avoid reading boring blogs and subscribe to this blog right here.