Tara Middleton, Robert Thomson, Dijana Tepsic

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable.”
― Seneca


Without proper planning and a clear destination in mind, you can quickly be blown off course on your financial journey. That’s why at Thomson Wealth, we’ve made it our mission to provide best-in-class investment, retirement, and estate planning to help you set sail toward your goals with full confidence.

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Our team

We are trusted financial planners, expert market navigators, and collaborative team members always ready to respond to any financial concern along the route to your financial destination.

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Our clients

From business owners and executives to charitable organizations, we help a wide range of clients overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

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Our blog

Get market insights from our very own Robert Thomson, see upcoming events, and learn more about a variety of wealth management topics from our extended team of RBC professionals.

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What is most important to you on your financial journey?


Let’s uncover your goals, create a plan, and navigate it together.

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man and child playing with a toy sailboat by the beach