Changes to Capital Gains Inclusion rate explained

May 08, 2024 |Robert Thomson

...the change that is receiving the most attention was the surprise change to the Capital Gains Inclusion rate.

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Fixed Income: We're Back!

February 22, 2024 |Robert Thomson

...Fixed Income managers could be described as “giddy”. There was a clear sigh of relief as they now had yield in their portfolios. Two managers opened their presentation with the words “We’re Back!”.

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Which is better: GIC 's or Bonds?

July 12, 2023 |Robert Thomson

For the first time in over 15 years, GIC's look enticing. Here is why we don't recommend moving your portfolio to GIC's:

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Unrealised Losses: The misleading path it leads you down

April 19, 2023 |Robert Thomson

No one is able evaluate any element of performance of an account/portfolio by looking at the unrealised gains/losses figures.

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Saving for a Home: The FHSA

April 10, 2023 |Robert Thomson

The Federal Government is rolling out a new savings account for first-time home buyers, called the First Home Savings Account (FHSA). Here is how it works

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Market Update

October 18, 2022 |Robert Thomson

Inflation has been and continues to be the primary concern of the markets, and what we are experiencing is “Supply Side” inflation: lack of supply of goods, of energy, of food and services causing the increases in prices and cost of labour.

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Staying the course vs timing the market

June 17, 2022 |Robert Thomson

The natural reaction is to want to pull out now and wait for things to be better and then enter back in. The problem with that is that it is timing the market

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Bitcoin as an investment

May 17, 2022 |Robert Thomson

Bitcoin is not a currency, nor is it even an asset.... at some point it will go to zero or close to it. The Achilles heel for Bitcoin is the environmental problem.

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Recent Market Volatility

May 10, 2022 |Robert Thomson

Inflation and the prospect of rising interest rates has spooked the markets.  We’ve entered a point where the market is trading more on good news vs bad news as opposed to valuation …

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Managing a portfolio in times of Geopolitical uncertainty

February 28, 2022 |Robert Thomson

For a situation like we are seeing now, our Fight or flight instincts can compel us to take action when we feel threatened, and that usually coincides with what turns out to be the worst time to take action. 

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