Four effective estate planning strategies for high-net worth clients

September 29, 2022 | Mark Porretta


The more wealthy you are the more complicated your financial situation usually is. In most circumstances, when you have amassed a large wealth, you usually own a business. While this is not always the case, in the situation that you are a business owner, there are a lot of things that are usually top of mind: intergenerational wealth, retirement, minimizing tax and business transition to name a few. For business owners, while you may have a laundry list of items that you have to handle on the daily, finding the time focus on estate planning is highly important. From the simple aspect of just being able minimize tax or reduce headaches, spending the time to organize your affairs before you're ready to transition into retirement will do you wonders in the long run. In the article, they discuss four effective estate planning strategies. This along with uncovering everything under the sun is something we do regularly with our highly specialized estate planning team. If you would like to go through the estate planning process or know someone who does, please let us know. 


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