Drew Pallett has extensive past experience serving on the boards of foundations charged with the responsibility of managing large investment portfolios. He understands the role and responsibilities of foundation board members as they relate to the management of their organizations' investments.
We will assist foundations with the preparation of a comprehensive Investment Policy Statement that meets their objectives respecting asset protection, asset growth and annual cash distributions. We will provide detailed quarterly reports, including compliance certificates. We will regularly attend investment committee meetings to review progress measured against performance benchmarks.
We offer discretionary investment management capability to foundations, including socially-responsible investing. Discretionary portfolios are independently monitored by our Portfolio Risk Group to ensure that asset allocation metrics and investment guidelines are observed.
We also offer access to a wide range of institutional managers that are screened and supervised by an expert manager-of-managers, Lockwood Advisors. We assist foundations with the initial selection of managers, allocation of assets to segregated portfolios, monitoring of managers ongoing performance, organizational integrity and adherence to style, and rebalancing of assets over time.