Drew Pallett is licensed as a Portfolio Manager, permitting him to manage clients investment assets on a discretionary basis under the terms of customized Investment Policy Statements.

Discretionary investment management is suitable for high-net-worth clients who prefer to delegate the responsibility for day-to-day management of their investment assets to a highly qualified portfolio manager. These clients are freed from day-to-day investment decisions, allowing them to focus on what is important to them business, career, family, and lifestyle enhancement.

We carefully review each clients financial circumstances, needs, objectives and preferences, and prepare a customized Investment Policy Statement. The Investment Policy Statement sets out agreed asset allocation metrics, investment guidelines and income tax minimization strategies. A proven, successful equity investment process is followed.

Discretionary portfolios are independently monitored by our Portfolio Risk Group to ensure that the asset allocation metrics and investment guidelines are observed.

Discretionary investment clients receive detailed quarterly reports. Regular meetings are scheduled to review progress measured against agreed performance benchmarks.

RBC Dominion Securities manages over $15B in assets on a discretionary basis.