Getting out of the flunk and into the flourish

June 23, 2021 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


On this episode of “I’m a Millionaire! So Now What?", I’m going to jump right in with a question.

What is your greatest asset?
Put another way, what is your most valuable asset?
As you sit there pondering this, what comes to mind?

I’d hazard a guess that you’re thinking of your business. As CEO founders, business owners, your business is of significant value. Maybe it's your home, your leisure vacation property, your real estate portfolio, your investment portfolio.

Well, I'm going to challenge you if you think that your greatest asset is something physical when it’s something of a truly intangible nature. If you think your most valuable asset is a thing or money, I challenge you to think about your health, your mental health, your mind, your mindset, your intellect.

Here's a quote for you.

“Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right.”
- Henry Ford

So why do I bring this up?

Well, if our greatest asset is our mind, and our mental health, we need to practice good self-care (and you probably feel like I'm harping on about this every six weeks or so but it’s never been more relevant). 

On this episode, you’ll find out what the leading and lagging indicators for our personal and professional growth are.

Hint: It’s a lot to do with the health of our mind and mindset. And how we think and what we believe is affected by the health and welfare of our brains.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I interviewed entrepreneur and catalyst investor, Jason Daley, and I wanted to share a snippet from this with you. Jason talks about languishing, referencing an article written by Adam Grant in the New York Times.

“I’m working but I’m missing the high points, the people and the social interactions. Everything is muted. Adam Grant is right on point when he talks about “languishing being the dominant emotion of 2021.””

Jason is positive, though, when he says: “Change has brought about opportunity for more discovery, more self-care.”

But for most of us, we’re in a constant fight mode. We’re just trying to get through it, pump through it, but we’re still stuck in it. I feel like we’re in Groundhog Day, like I’m in this push and pull and just trying to keep meditating and remain positive.

As we head into the end of June, we’re still feeling that uncertainty. Some business is improving, but for others it’s still a drag and this could affect how we think and what we believe.

Many of us have gone through periods of trauma, whether it's the death of a family member due to COVID-19 or some other medical condition. But we haven't been able to go through the rituals that will help us in the grieving process. There's also the grief of letting team members go. And even when there’s joyous occasions like weddings or achieving business milestones, we can’t celebrate them in the same way.

For these reasons and more, I'm sure you are experiencing this feeling of languishing. And what we really want is to get out of this funk, and into flourishing.

I want to share with you that you're not alone. As a business owner, as a CEO founder, we are here in the self-made nation together. So, please don't feel alone, reach out to me.

And a last word of advice: Nurture your health. Nurture your brain. Practice gratitude. Practice being positive even in the face of adversity, because the obstacle is the opportunity.

Have a listen!