Answering Why?

March 28, 2018 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


Ever noticed that kids are always asking Why?

For parents, this familiar question can drive you crazy.

Bed time is at 8 o’clock. Why? Finish your vegetables. Why? Save your pennies. Why?

Don’t you just want to say, “Because I said so!”

But children are a curious lot. And, it turns out, they’re on to something – something that gets stifled as we ‘grow up’.

Simon Sinek became famous for his Ted Talk, How Great Leaders Inspire Action, along with his book, Start with Why. Sinek’s famous quote gets repeated over and over again: “People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.”

Why. It is our motivation. Our Why gets us out of bed in the morning. Why is the source of all innovation. When you understand Why, it makes the What and the How easier to understand, get behind and execute.

It’s also my go-to question when people ask me: How much do I need to save?  

Well, WHY are you saving?  Many of the questions I ask that start with What are actually versions of Why: What is your purpose? What do you want? What do you not want? What would be a bonus?

Why can be the easiest and the most difficult part. Save for later – why save? Or enjoy now – why spend?  We often don’t take enough time thinking about why & why not.

When you have a vision – when you KNOW your WHY, it becomes much simpler to harness the courage and the will power to make tough choices. When you know your Why, it’s easier to figure out How. And What now? And what next? Suddenly sacrifices don’t feel like sacrifices, because you know why you’re making every choice.

Keep your Why front and centre; you’ll find your goals easier to reach, and your choices easier to make.

I’d love to hear about your WHY. What’s your motivation? What is currently guiding your spending and saving? Tell us about it in a comment through our Contact Us page. And if you have been struggling to create a financial strategy aligned with your WHY, let us know if we can support you. Email us here and let’s start the conversation.