Staying current on economic and market trends
Deciding overall market strategy
Reviewing individual portfolios
Preparing strategy and specific recommendations appropriate for each client
Contacting clients when changes to their holdings are required
Conducting client meetings and reviews
Carol has two full-time Associates, Renata Smuszkiewicz and Theresa Bruno, who are often the first point of contact for clients. With understanding of client issues, as well as the systems within the firm, both Renata and Theresa are able to speak with you in order to ensure your question is directed to the right person the first time.
Carol is also backed by a worldwide support team of economists, traders and research analysts. Her top-ranked Research Department provides coverage on domestic equities, while U.S. coverage is provided through Carol’s partnership with PaineWebber, a leading U.S. research firm. Carol is also supported by a team of Portfolio Strategists, who provide recommendations on asset allocation and portfolio structure.