Vice-President & Estate Planning Specialist, RBC Wealth Management Financial Services Inc.
Never stand still.
For James Kopp, there is one feeling worse than all others: that of standing still in life.
"I want to feel like I'm moving forward all the time. This includes regularly reviewing your estate plan to take advantage of any new opportunity, and adapting it to any changes in your circumstances."
Put simply, James intimately understands the needs of high-net-worth individuals and works in synergy with a client's team of advisors to come up with the best solution.
James Kopp expands his horizons every day and has more than 20 years of experience educating clients on the strategic use of insurance. He loves meetings with clients unsure about insurance, because he can see the light bulb go on.
Vice President, Business Owner Specialist, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management
As a Business Owner Specialist, High Net Worth Planning Services, Faisal, together with your primary RBC advisor, helps you explore succession, tax, retirement and estate planning issues you face as a business owner.
Faisal specializes in tax and estate planning for high net worth families.
Prior to joining RBC, Faisal was a tax senior manager with a mid-size accounting and advisory firm, as well as with a multi-national accounting firm. Faisal’s expertise includes tax and estate planning for high net worth individuals and families, professionals, and business owners.
Faisal is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA) and his educational background includes the completion of the CICA’s in-depth tax course (Level I, II and III), a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Victoria, and a Masters of Professional Accounting from the University of Saskatchewan. He is also a member of the Canadian Tax Foundation.
Rebecca obtained a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Manitoba in 2009 and was awarded the program medal for highest standing in her degree program. She went on to obtain a Juris Doctor from the University of Manitoba in 2012 and was called to the Manitoba bar in 2013. Rebecca is a member of the Law Society of Manitoba.
Prior to joining RBC, Rebecca was in private practice in Winnipeg and practiced primarily in the areas of estate planning, incapacity planning, estate administration, real estate conveyance, and commercial law.
Vice-President & Financial Planning Specialist, Family Office Services, RBC Wealth Management
Doreen has been in the financial services industry since 1988, both as an advisor and as a wealth planning analyst, where she assisted advisors with providing high-quality financial planning services to their high-net-worth clients.
Prior to joining RBC, Doreen provided comprehensive financial planning guidance and advice to executives, business owners, professionals and high net worth families. Doreen assists clients in addressing all areas of their wealth by using a holistic approach to Financial Planning.
Doreen believes that planning is critical to helping people meet their financial objectives. Doreen’s role is to work with and support your advisor in preparing and presenting comprehensive Compass Financial Plans for clients.