Why should I invest in equities?
No matter where you are in life, equities have an important role to play within a properly diversified portfolio. They can help with building your savings, maximizing your income and protecting your wealth:
Historically, equities provide superior long-term returns compared to cash and fixed-income investments. However, equities typically fluctuate more in value. Because these fluctuations tend to smooth out over time, it’s important to take a long-term perspective when investing in equities. Just because a particular equity is down one year doesn’t mean it will be down in 10 years. The key is to determine when it’s a temporary setback and when it’s a more serious problem.
If you’re an income-oriented investor, your portfolio probably contains a high percentage of T-bills and government bonds. However, it ’s important not to overlook the key role that equities can play in your portfolio. First, certain equities like income trusts can enhance your income. In addition, the income generated by equity investments— like dividends or capital gains—is taxed more favourably than interest income. Setting aside a certain percentage of your portfolio to equities can enhance your after-tax income.
Another reason to invest in equities is to protect your wealth. This may seem counterintuitive given that equities are not guaranteed, while fixed-income investments are. However, because fixed-income investments offer such low interest rates, they offer little protection from taxes and inflation eroding your wealth over time. Again, adding a certain percentage of equities to your portfolio, while keeping the balance in guaranteed investments, can help protect your portfolio’s value in the long run.