Fixed-income and cash management solutions for your organization

When you are investing on behalf of an organization, the qualities you look for in an investment provider are often similar to those you look for in an investment, qualities such as security, safety and stability. At RBC Dominion Securities, we offer our clients access to the deepest and broadest selection of secure money market and fixed-income investments in Canada. Through our relationship with RBC Capital Markets, we are a leader in all areas of fixed-income markets. Our clients appreciate the security that comes from choosing a firm that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canada’s premier financial institution, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). Canada’s leading financial institution RBC gives clients additional confidence in an uncertain economic environment.

Fixed-income experience you can count on

At RBC Dominion Securities, we have extensive experience helping organizations manage their financial assets according to specific guidelines. Our clients include public companies, start-ups, privately owned enterprises, local governments, condominium corporations, faith groups, treasury departments, schools and hospitals.

Supporting your Investment Advisor are two teams of fixed-income specialists:

The RBC Dominion Securities Fixed Income Trading Group – provides trading and execution services.

Fixed Income Strategies Group – provides market commentary, credit and interest rate analysis and advice on portfolio structure.

As Canada’s fixed-income leader we can help you with the following:

Cash management solutions to optimize free cash flows

Access to virtually every Triple-A rated and R1 debt instrument in the market

Professional advice from a dedicated advisor backed by a team of specialists

Assistance in developing your Investment Policy Statement to establish strict parameters for the management of your short term funds

Strategies to maximize yield without compromising on security

Maturity dates structured to ensure access to funds when you need it

Ongoing client service including portfolio monitoring, cash inflow/outflow management, quarterly and on-demand reporting and regular portfolio reviews

With the largest bond inventory in Canada we offer the complete universe of fixed-income investments including:

Treasury Bills

Banker’s Acceptances

Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs)

Provincial bonds

Municipal bonds

Government of Canada bonds

Strip bonds/coupons

Inflation-indexed (real return) bonds/coupons

Step-up bonds

Floating rate notes

New issues

Canadian dollar-denominated foreign bonds (Maples)


Higher-yield investments

Investment-grade corporate bonds

Asset-backed securities

Mortgage-backed securities

Callable residuals

Capital trust securities (hybrid bonds)

Preferred shares

High-yield corporate bonds

Coupon Annuity Packages (CAPs)

Guaranteed monthly income packages (GEMs)

Laddered packages

Portfolio solutions