Our process centered around you



At the outset of every client relationship, we prioritize active listening and gaining insights. What is your current status and where do you aspire to be? Who are the individuals that matter and what are the pursuits that hold significant meaning to you?



Covering areas such as investment management, tax efficiency, business planning and estate management, we join forced with a comprehensive team of financial experts and your established advisors to shape a holistic, future-focused wealth strategy. 


Moving forward

We turn our focus to the horizon. What aspirations are you aiming to fulfill? What immediate financial worries are on your mind? How can we enhance safeguards for your family, business and assets as you navigate life's unpredictable journey?



Value-added wealth services

In addition to a vast array of investment products and solutions, we offer a number of value-added services to help you manage your wealth, many of which are complimentary for our clients.

These include:

  • Integration of your investment plan with your other service providers, including your lawyer or accountant
  • Access to financial planning services and a personal financial plan that addresses your cash flow, tax strategies, investments, retirement, insurance, estate planning and more 
  • Will and estate planning consultations through accredited Will and Estate Consultants 
  • Registered estate processing, tax reporting and T3 returns
  • Registered estate tax planning, including multiple and contingent beneficiary designations
  • Insurance consulting on a full range of individual life, health, segregated fund and annuity solutions
  • Custody and safekeeping
  • Annual consolidated tax reporting, including dispositions with book costs
  • Research, commentary and information on specific holdings, markets or economies upon request
  • Online integration of your RBC investment and bank accounts for consolidated viewing
  • Multi-currency account functionality
  • Automatic account contributions and withdrawals
  • Automatic mutual fund purchase and redemption plans
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) capabilities
  • Interest paid on cash balances in investment accounts
  • Corporate reorganization advice
  • Cashless employee stock option exercise service
  • Self-directed Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) and formal trusts for educational purposes and income splitting
  • Introduction to a full suite of RBC partners if needed for: personal, business and private banking; estate and trust services, mortgage services; direct investing; and more

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