With our unique family and corporate structure, what we lacked were the skills to navigate the labyrinth of investment, tax, and estate decisions confronting us. Enter Stephanie, who has been our constant guide.
Over a decade ago my brother, sister-in-law and I, like my parents before us, had two simple goals. Having just graduated from the 9 to 5 world without pensions, we each wanted a comfortable and consistent monthly income. We also wanted to leave a financial legacy for the next generation. With our unique family and corporate structure, what we lacked were the skills to navigate the labyrinth of investment, tax, and estate decisions confronting us. Enter Stephanie, who has been our constant guide. She works to ensure that our spending needs and wants are met, funds are set aside for future unknowns, and our estate will be passed on in a tax efficient manner.
Stephanie, our family will be forever grateful to you for taking on our burden. We thank you for your enduring professionalism, patience, and kindness.
~ Gary S.