Retirement Income Planning

Retirement isn't what it used to be.

As a retiree today, you can expect to live much longer than previous generations – often as much as 20-30 years after the traditional retirement age of 65. That’s a whole new life stage that’s just beginning at age 65 – and one that requires a whole new approach to planning your retirement finances and lifestyle.

As a retiree today, you face different economic challenges, including lower interest rates on guaranteed investments, market volatility, continued high taxes, and the uncertainty of government benefits.

7 Questions You need to ask about Your Retirement

1. How much money will you need so you don't outlive your savings?

2. What are the best way to augment your RRSP/RRIF?

3. How can you balance growth, safety, and income?

4. Should you guarantee a portion of your retirement income?

5. What will you do during retirement?

6. How will you take care of your health needs during retirement?

7. Do you intend to pass on your retirement savings to your family?

If you are nearing retirement or are already retired and would like a complimentary review of your retirement financial plan, by Abbas Fazal, you can contact us at 416-948-7861 or at

How can we Help?

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