
View your documents electronically with eDocuments

Go paperless with eDocuments to reduce your paperwork, while helping us reduce our impact on the environment.


With eDocuments, you can securely view your RBC Dominion Securities account documents (such as statements, confirmations and prospectuses) in Adobe PDF format from the convenience of your personal computer. By choosing eDocuments, you have less paperwork to file or shred, saving you time and helping to protect the environment. Plus, you can quickly access a seven-year archive of your account statements.

The choice is yours

You can choose either eDocuments or regular paper documents – it's up to you. If you want to switch to eDocuments, follow the easy steps below. If you'd rather receive paper documents instead, do nothing – they will continue to come in the mail as before.

Accessing your eDocuments

  • To add eDocuments to personal accounts: simply call us and we'll change your accounts over the phone and set you up for WM Online if required. Otherwise, please click here and follow the steps.
  • To add eDocuments to business and corporate accounts: get in touch with us first to complete a consent form, then you can follow the same steps as personal accounts.

To learn more about eDocuments or WM Online, please contact us.