D3 Process
There are two types of risk: the excessive risk that can arise in portfolios and the risk involved in having a cookie-cutter plan that is not right for you. Both are counter-productive, and both can be eliminated with a plan that is fully bespoke to your family’s circumstances.
D1: Discover
We meet with the stakeholders in the family to understand the details of your finances, and what’s important to you. We will:
- Determine the meaning behind your investment goals
- Review your tax structures and opportunities
- Explore your accounts, wills, estate plans and retirement plans
- Define your philanthropic and legacy objectives
D2: Design
Our team of specialists constructs a portfolio and financial plan around your needs that excludes all avoidable and unnecessary risk. We will:
- Employ enhanced asset allocation, risk mitigation, hedging and credit strategies where applicable
- Analyze your investment opportunities and evaluate all planning options
- Align your plans and investments so that you can make coordinated progress
- Communicate all aspects clearly and concisely
D3: Deploy
This ongoing phase starts with implementing your plan and portfolio, and continues with regular monitoring and review. During this phase we will:
- Determine and follow appropriate timing of capital allocation
- Initiate the review process, hosting regular meetings to communicate your progress and lifestyle updates.
- Measure your progress against initially set objectives and adjust as needed