So you have a what?

June 11, 2018 | Corrie Cassalman


Great! You have just received your financial plan. That is the first step to your financial independence but really what does that mean? Will the plan put food on the table in retirement or plan your next vacation? What happens now is up to you.

The document you have is a snapshot of your current financial situation and hopefully an easy to follow jumping off point that maps out how you will go from point A to point b in an achievable manner. Point b is different for everyone - maybe it is retirement or completing your bucket list or saving for someone’s education. It doesn't matter what the goal is - just can you reach it without too much trouble. A plan with a large savings requirement is not going to happen - it needs to be sustainable. Otherwise your plan is scrap paper. If it is not looking good - maybe point b needs a plan b? Can you adjust the time horizon amount needed to fund the goal? Maybe retirement needs to wait 1 more year so you can save more and not start withdrawing funds so soon. This allows 1 more year of compound growth and 1 less year of withdrawals - it is amazing how small adjustments can affect the outcome.

The hardest part about your financial plan is figuring out what works for you and your family. It may work out easily but this is not always the case. The nice thing with going through all that effort is that at least you know. Isn’t that worth the pain?